Calphalon Warranty




One of the best reasons to buy Calphalon is that of the Calphalon Warranty. As a Better Business Bureau accredited business, as well as one that works with nothing but the highest quality of workmanship, Calphalon has decided to offer a warranty that will keep your equipment assured for a year or for a lifetime, all depending on which product you buy. While the pots and pans carry the best warranties, even the electronic devices, such as Calphalon Griddles and toasters, will be covered by a warranty for a period of time that will ensure that your purchase is protected and adhering to the standards of quality set by Calphalon.

With your Calphalon pots and pans, you will have the most coverage from the Calphalon Warranty Service. Most of the Calphalon cookware sets will include a lifetime warranty, while others will be covered for ten to twenty years. The most popular of the Calphalon sets will be covered by the lifetime warranty, while most of the spillover will be covered for twenty years. Only the most exclusive of the Calphalon Pots and pans will be limited to a ten year warranty. This warranty covers most defects, but will not cover misuse. Calphalon Bakeware is subject to similar restrictions, with two of the five product lines covered for life, with the remaining products covered for ten years.

Other products are covered by the Calphalon Warranty Coverage, including Calphalon Knives and utensils, as well as electronics such as griddles. The tools and knives, depending on the product line, will be covered with the same lifetime or ten year quality assurance that most of the other products are covered by. As with any warranty, misuse is not covered under these warranties. Calphalon electronics are typically covered by a one year limited warranty, though extended service plans are offered with many products.

Calphalon Cookware Warranty Information can be found at Calphalon's site, where you can learn each step. We will also provide a brief rundown on the important information about the Warranty on Calphalon Cookware. In most cases, your product will be covered. Misuse, abuse, improper cleaning, theft, fire damage, or commercial use is not covered by the warranty. In order to initiate the process, you will have to send Calphalon a letter describing your issue and how the problem occurred. You will receive a response with the utmost rapidity, then you will either have to send your equipment off to Calphalon or simply have to deal with the damage. Any replacement will be done free of charge, short the expenses of shipping. You will then receive a replacement of your original product, or a similar product if your original piece is no longer available according to Calphalon Warranty terms.